It is no secret that cats are one of the world’s most persistent culinary connoisseurs. When you eat or even simply walk into the kitchen, your previously aloof cat is suddenly your most adoring fan.
As you prepared your morning coffee, then your evening dessert, your cat circled your legs, begging for a taste of the sweet whipped cream.
You may have considered sharing; after all, you are not above buying their affection, and the general consensus is that cats enjoy dairy products.
However, before you share, you must determine if it is safe for your cat to partake in your favorite sweet topping.
Can Cats Eat Whipped Cream?
The short answer is no, your cat cannot eat whipped cream. Dairy products fall under the category of foods that cats cannot eat, According to VetStreet.
The internet may attempt to lead you to believe otherwise; there are many youtube videos of cats enjoying whipped cream. Do not let this clever cat conspiracy fool you; let’s discuss this topic in more detail.
Adult Cats are Lactose Intolerant
When cats are kittens, they have the help of a cool enzyme called lactase that makes it possible for them to enjoy indulging in a whipped cream topped milkshake.
According to PrestigeAnimalHospital, As they mature, their body stops making lactase, and as a result, they become lactose intolerant.
Your lactose intolerant friends now have a companion to commiserate with while everyone else enjoys whipped cream topped ice cream sundaes.
My Cat Ate Whipped Cream
If you already shared the wonders of whipped cream with your cat, it is likely you will learn a lesson about their sensitive digestive system in the near future.
You will never understand the statement “there is no such thing as a free lunch” more than after your cat partakes in a snack of whipped cream.
Similarly to lactose-intolerant humans, adult cats who have lost their tolerance for lactose will experience a host of unpleasant, severe symptoms such as stomach ache, flatulence, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Sometimes these bowel movements can be uncontrollable. If your cat has a particularly sensitive stomach, you may want to sequester them in a bathroom with a litter box for a few hours to prevent a terrible mess from being left around your home.
Can my Cat eat any dairy products?
While dairy products should not be on your cat’s menu, there are alternatives that you can purchase so that your cat may enjoy something similar.
Cat Sip Milk and Whiskas Cat Milk are designed specifically for cats; the lactose is removed or significantly decreased compared to regular dairy products, which improves the digestibility of this snack for your cat’s stomach.
Recovering: The Importance of Hydration
The average cat is not a champion who meets their daily water goal and may decide that they prefer catsip or cat milk over the water in their bowl.
If your cat is experiencing digestive upset from sampling whipped cream or another diary product, their water intake becomes even more crucial to their recovery due to the body fluids they lost during the digestive nightmare they experienced.
Supplementing their diet with wet food can assist their hydration needs. Additionally, if your cat does not enjoy the water in general, you may want to consider purchasing a cat fountain; moving water may entice your cat to drink more water.
When Cats become Tiny Terrorists: The Starvation Stand-Off
Most cat owners have experienced starvation standoff when their cat refuses to eat certain foods.
If your cat constantly begs for whipped cream or other people’s food then refuses to eat their cat food, stay strong, and do not give in to your tiny terrorist’s attempted power struggle.
If your cat’s stomach is empty of the nutritious food it needs, the digestive upset from the whipped cream will be even more severe.
What foods can I share with my cat?
According to AvodermNatural, If your cat constantly begs for food from you, the good news is that you can share a morsel of certain human foods with your food-motivated feline:
- In moderation, cats may enjoy cheese.
- Carrots and avocados are also on the menu.
- Plain oatmeal or plain brown rice may be fed as well.
- Scrambled eggs may make their way into your cat’s dish; however, cats should not eat a large number of eggs due to the calories found in eggs.
- Cats may also eat a small amount of cooked, plain meats such as chicken, turkey, duck, salmon, tuna, crab, and herring.
Though your cat may want to convince you that she is a tiny goddess, she is susceptible to foodborne illness just like you are; as such, cats should only eat cooked meat and eggs.
The Calorie Conundrum
According to Catster, If you have a particular food motivated feline, they will be incredibly disappointed to learn that cats only need approximately thirty calories per pound of body weight per day.
This means that cat owners must limit extra snacks. Further, cat owners should always carefully measure out each serving of treats and meals your cat enjoys to ensure they do not exceed their daily calorie intake.
According to cat-lovers, Whipped cream or other dairy products can be high-calorie foods; in addition to the potential for digestive upset, your cat’s caloric intake should also be an important consideration before whipped cream is shared.
If you purchase a low-fat or sugar-free variety of whipped cream, the sugars and artificial sweeteners present are also a concern, as they may be toxic to cats.
Food does not equal affection
While sharing food is a sign of affection to most humans, sharing foods with your cat is not. Though your cat may attempt to convince you otherwise, sharing the wrong food has the potential to shorten their life span.
If a cat consumes a food that is toxic for them, their life may be in danger. By regularly indulging in human foods, cats usually gain a significant amount of weight; maintaining a healthy weight is essential to a long life.
If you feel guilty for not sharing as your cat begs for a spray from the whipped cream can remember that they cannot make the connection that the whipped cream caused their stomach ache.
They will only remember that it was a tasty snack; as their caregiver, you must help them make healthy choices. It is not always easy, but it is for their benefit.
Thankfully, there are many ways to show your cat that you love them that do not involve food. Play with your cat; put your phone down and spend time with them.
Serving Sizes are not suggestions
Before you attempt to rationalize sharing whipped cream with your cat by giving them “just a little bit”, consider the size of a cat treats.
Most cat treats are tiny enough to fit on a human thumbnail! Between the size of the average cat treat and the number of calories that cats should consume daily, “just a little bit” of whipped cream still has the potential to inflict a whole lot of problems.
Cats truly cannot have whipped cream
If your cat will say they have ninety-nine problems, make sure they cannot say that a whipped cream tummy ache is one of them.
While your cat may attempt to convince you otherwise, they should not eat whipped cream due to the high calories in each serving and the digestive upset that is to follow.
To give your cat the best, long, healthy, and happy life they can have, consult with your veterinarian, make sure they maintain a healthy weight and ensure that any additions to their menu are foods that are cat safe.

Hi, This is Alexa, and I love cats. This Website is a Complete Journal about how to travel with a cat and other information about Cat Health, Cat Training, Cat Behavior, Cat Foods and more. I hope you find it useful.