The Flame Point Siamese is the rarest Siamese cat coloration and the most in-demand. The Flame Point Siamese is a talkative and family-friendly companion that is quick to learn and easily trained. Without regular company and stimulation, however, this cat’s vocal protests will not go unheard!
If you are considering adding a Flame Point Siamese Cat to your family, it is crucial to know the commitment you are making.
To help you to get a better picture of this breed and to make a more educated decision, we have put together a complete guide to the Flame Point Siamese cat covering topics such as
- The history of the Flame Point Siamese
- A physical description of the Flame Point Siamese
- The Flame Point Siamese personality
- Health conditions that are common in the Flame Point Siamese
- The cost of a Flame Point Siamese cat
- The Flame Point Siamese diet
- Name choices for a Flame Point Siamese
The Flame Point Siamese
The Flame Point Siamese cat is the rarest Siamese coloration and is in great demand by Siamese cat lovers. Also called the Red Point Siamese, this intelligent beauty is the ultimate companion pet.
Curious cats, Flame Point Siamese cats require adequate stimulation to keep their boredom at bay. Fortunately, this Siamese variation is also exceptionally trainable and happy to take on a challenge, so stimulation is not a problem!
The Flame Point Siamese is a very vocal breed, and unfortunately, their vocal tendencies have even led to owners giving them up when the conversation got to be a little too much.
The History Of The Flame Point Siamese
The Flame Point Siamese cat is a product of breeding a Siamese cat with an orange or red tabby cat. British breeder Nora Archer first created this pairing in 1948 with the help of other breeders.
Another breeder – Miss. Ray – continued to work with the flame point breed to eliminate the Tabby stripes and get the breed recognized by cat registries.
The Flame Point Siamese Coloration
The Flame Point Siamese is also named the Red Point Siamese because the point markings on the cat’s extremities are a reddish-orange color. Flame Point cat’s pale body is a light cream or white color.
The “Points” refers to the point coat coloration. Point coloration describes an animal with a light-colored body and darker extremities.
Commonly these extremities include the feet, tail, ears, and face. Other animals can have point coloration, but it is most recognizable in the Siamese cat.
Two Point Siamese colorations derive from the Flame Point – the Cream Point Siamese and the Apricot Point Siamese.
What Does “Flame Point” Mean?
“Flame” in “Flame Point” refers to the orangish coloration of the points on the cat’s coat.
The “Points” refers to the point coat coloration. Point coloration describes an animal with a light-colored body and darker extremities including the feet, tail, ears, and face. Other animals can have point coloration, but it is most recognizable in the Siamese cat.
Are All Flame Point Siamese?
All Flame Point cats are Siamese.
Are All Flame Point Siamese Cats Male?
Female Flame Point Siamese cats are certainly outnumbered, but they do exist! There are, however, three times more male Flame Points as there are females.
How Big Do The Flame Point Siamese Get?
Flame Point Siamese Height
The Flame Point Siamese grows to between 16 and 21 inches tall.
Flame Point Siamese Weight
The Flame Point Siamese weighs between 9 and 14 pounds. Male flame points are heavier than females by an average of 5 pounds.
Is The Flame Point Siamese Hypoallergenic?
The Flame Point Siamese is not a hypoallergenic breed.
When people are allergic to cats, they can experience symptoms when they contact with fur, dander, saliva, and urine. Contact with these allergens can be by touch or through the respiratory tract.
There are no cat breeds that are 100% hypoallergenic, but the closest breed is the hairless sphinx.
The Flame Point Siamese Personality
The Flame Point Siamese cat is a playful, social, and outgoing cat – perfect for families and single people alike. This is a curious and talkative breed that requires regular attention and is not afraid to make noise to get it!
The Flame Point does require a company to thrive and is not the cat for you if you are a workaholic or a social butterfly yourself. If, however, you work at home and are looking for a sidekick or a groupie, Flame Point is your perfect match!
Leaving a Flame Point alone will not just create an unhappy cat; it can lead to undesirable behaviors. Lonely Flame Points can become destructive around the house as they look for their own entertainment. An anxious and lonely Flame Point can also become self-harming and pull out their fur.
Spending time with your Flame Point Siamese requires more than keeping them company; however, this breed is exceptionally intelligent and needs regular mental stimulation. Ongoing training and intellectual challenges are a must. To say that the Flame Point is a needy breed is an understatement.
The Flame Point Siamese Health Issues
Researchers believe certain health conditions to have a genetic component, which means that a parent can pass on the vulnerability for a disease to their offspring.
In autosomally dominant conditions, it takes just one copy of a faulty gene to pass the vulnerability for a disease.
In autosomal recessive conditions, both parents must pass on a faulty gene to their offspring.
Since breeding should focus on bettering the bloodlines of a breed and developing healthier cats, breeders should not breed cats with any faulty genes.
What Diseases Are Flame Point Siamese Cats Prone To?
Progressive Retinal atrophy
Progressive retinal atrophy is common in Siamese cat bloodlines, and as such, it is also common in the Flame Point.
PRA is an inherited disease where eyesight gets progressively worse over time. Select cats with PRA will not lose their vision completely, but most will have complete vision loss.
Veterinarians believe that the rdAc mutation is the most common cause of PRA in Siamese cats.
PRA is an autosomal recessive disease – this means that for a cat to develop PRA, it must receive a mutated gene from both parents.
There is no cure for PRA, but DNA testing cats for the rdAc gene mutation before breeding and not breeding cats that carry the mutation can prevent unhealthy genetic lines.
Siamese cats (as well as Tonkinese, Burmese, and other Oriental breeds) frequently exhibit PICA. This trend of PICA among certain breeds leads researchers to think that there is a genetic component to the illness.
Cats with PICA eat inedible things. Other animals (including humans) can also display PICA.
Cats with PICA frequently eat objects made from wool, leather, rubber, plastic, paper, cardboard, and cellophane.
PICA can pose serious problems when inedible objects create blockages in the intestine.
PICA can occur in incredibly young kittens as well as adult cats and while some cats grow out of it, others do not, and it becomes exceedingly difficult to treat. Select cats benefit from antidepressant treatment.
Select cat breeds are more prone to developing arthritis, and Siamese cats and Siamese mixes are among these breeds.
Siamese breeds are prone to obesity which is one of the most influential factors in developing arthritis.
Cats can develop arthritis in any part of the body, but it most frequently affects the back legs.
Various supplements can reduce the chances of a cat developing arthritis and prescription medications that relieve arthritis pain. It is best to discuss arthritis prevention and treatment for your Siamese or Siamese mix with your vet.
There is no cure for arthritis.
Hip Dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is a hereditary disease often seen in cats and dogs.
When an animal has hip dysplasia, the head of the femur does not fit in the acetabulum (hip socket.) This improper femoral fit means that the hip joint is unstable and, over time, the joint can degenerate.
An unstable hip joint in animals with hip dysplasia can cause swelling, pain, stiffness, and lameness. Dysplasia can also result in arthritis in the affected joint.
The most conservative approach to managing dysplasia is the treatment of symptoms with anti-inflammatories and pain relief medications when necessary.
The only treatment for hip dysplasia is invasive surgery, where a veterinarian removes the head and neck of the femur. After removal, the hip stabilizes as the muscles create a faux joint.
Hyperesthesia is a condition where the cat experiences heightened sensation, particularly in the skin.
Siamese cats, mixed Siamese, and other Oriental breeds are prone to hyperesthesia, leading researchers to pinpoint a genetic component in the disease.
Hyperesthesia makes an affected cat feel very uncomfortable, and their heightened sensitivity can even cause cats to self-mutilate or cry.
There is no cure for hyperesthesia, but there are management options such as antidepressants, behavior modification, or anti-seizure medicine – depending on the suspected cause of your cat’s heightened sensitivity.
Kidney Failure
Kidney disease and kidney failure are common in cats of any breed.
When Siamese cats develop kidney disease, it most likely results from age-related changes, infection, toxin ingestion, intestinal blockage, or tumors.
Kidney disease cannot be reversed or treated, but symptoms are treatable and managed through dietary changes, supplements, and prescription medications. With proper management, cats with kidney disease can have a good quality of life.
Heart Disease
Siamese cats are one of the breeds known to be more prone to developing heart disease. More specifically, a type of heart disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy causes the heart walls to thicken. HC is, at least in part, a hereditary condition. As the walls of the heart get thicker, the heart becomes less efficient at pumping blood. This inefficiency eventually leads to heart failure.
There is no cure for FHE, but the disease is manageable through dietary changes, the use of diuretics, and vasodilating medications. Vasodilating medications relieve symptoms by widening blood vessels so that the heart does not have to work so hard to pump blood.
DNA testing can reveal whether a cat carries the FHE mutation. Since FHE can be autosomal dominant, it only takes one parent to pass the condition on to their offspring.
To maintain a healthy breed, owners should sterilize Siamese cats that carry the FHE mutation.
Respiratory Disease
Like many felines, the Siamese cat is prone to respiratory problems – including chronic bronchial disease.
Researchers are still working to understand the chronic bronchial disease process but believe that Siamese breeds are genetically predisposed to develop the disease.
Cats with CBD are lethargic, have difficulty breathing, and may cough and wheeze. These CBD symptoms may come and go, but often require treatment with inhaled steroids to reduce their frequency and effect on the body.
Cats with CBD usually need lifetime management of their condition with corticosteroids.
Avoiding Hereditary Disease In Your Flame Point Siamese
Avoiding hereditary disease in your Flame Point Siamese is hugely 3 on genetics. To give your cat the best chance at a healthy future, you must find a trustworthy breeder with a history of producing healthy kittens.
You should also make sure that your breeder conducts genetic screening on both cats in a breeding pair.
Whether a disease is autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive, owners should not breed cats that carry the faulty gene as breeding risks passing the faulty gene through future generations.
Flame Point Siamese Cat Lifespan
The lifespan of the Flame Point Siamese cat is anywhere from 15 to 20 years.
The Flame Point Siamese Price
The price of the Flame Point Siamese varies depending on where the breeder resides. Prices usually range between $400 and $1,000, but they can be as much as $2,000.
Where Can I Get a Flame Point Siamese Cat?
Flame Point Siamese cats are the rarest coloration of Siamese which can make them difficult to come by.
The best way to find a Flame Point is to search for a reputable breeder through the National Siamese Cat Club. Just be aware that most breeders of rare color points have long waiting lists for upcoming kitten litters.
Is The Flame Point Siamese A Recognized Breed?
The Flame Point Siamese is a recognized breed in the feline-loving community, but not all professional organizations acknowledge them as an official breed.
The World Cat Federation, The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, The UK’s Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, and The Australian Cat Federation Inc. all recognize the Flame Point Siamese Cat, but they recognize it as the Red Point Siamese.
The Cat Fanciers’ Federation and The International Cat Association recognized the Flame Point Siamese as a unique breed.
The Cat Fanciers’ Association does not recognize the Flame Point Siamese as a unique breed.
Is The Flame Point Siamese Good With Kids?
The Flame Point Siamese is a family cat, and its sociable nature makes it a great cat for households with younger children.
You must remember, however, that animals are only good with kids when the kids in question are respectful. It is up to you to teach your children how to properly interact with animals including knowing when to back off and give them space.
Is The Flame Point Siamese Easy to Train?
The Flame Point Siamese cat is very trainable and has a remarkable capacity for recalling commands.
Like all cats, the Flame Point Siamese is much easier to train as a kitten than as an adult cat. Even as an adult cat, though, the Flame Point is easier to train than most other cat breeds.
Are Flame Point Siamese Cats Smarter Than Other Cats?
Research has shown that while all cats are intelligent, Siamese cats show higher levels of intelligence than other breeds. This trait also seems to carry over to Siamese crossbreeds.
One of the reasons why people believe Siamese cats to be so intelligent is their ability to train their humans through vocalizations. As easily bored and highly active cats, Siamese breeds also enjoy stimulating and enrichment activities like training and problem-solving tasks.
Is The Flame Point Siamese a Vocal Cat?
Like the Siamese cat, the Flame Point Siamese cat is a very vocal breed. Some owners mistakenly believe that they can train their Siamese and Siamese crossbreed cats not to vocalize as much and are disappointed to find that this is not the case.
Simply put, you cannot stop a Siamese or Siamese cross from vocalizing, and attempting to do so can greatly impact their quality of life.
The Flame Point Siamese Diet
Like the Siamese cat, the Flame Point Siamese is a long and lean cat and easily gains weight. To avoid weight gain, this is a cat that should have meals carefully measured out rather than being free-fed.
Flame Point Siamese kittens need food that is high in protein and fat and developed to promote their growth. Any high-quality dry food developed for kittens should fit the bill.
Adult Siamese cats have different nutritional needs and are healthiest when eating a food that is approximately 40% fat and 25% protein. Any high-quality balanced food for adult cats is a good choice unless your Siamese has a unique medical condition (in which case, consult your vet!)
Senior Flame Point Siamese cats have different dietary needs – specifically, lower fat and protein due to a more sedentary lifestyle. Older cats also often have health conditions like kidney disease that demand dietary changes. It is best to consult your veterinarian to find the right diet for your senior cat.
Wet Food For Your Flame Point Siamese
Feeding your Flame Point Siamese wet food in addition to dry food is also an option. Be sure not to overuse wet food, however, because it can lead to dental problems and ongoing diarrhea.
In senior cats that have significant tooth loss, wet food may be the only food that your cat can eat. If this is the case, be sure to check in with your vet regularly to monitor your cat’s dental health.
Fresh Water
It goes without saying that your cat should always have access to clean, freshwater.
Flame Point Siamese Cat Names
100 Male Flame Point Siamese Cat Names
- Charlie
- Aries
- Smoke
- Apollo
- Milo
- Pewter
- Fitz
- Frankie
- Ash
- Adonis
- Regis
- Harry
- Mica
- Freddie
- Sesame
- Luca
- Lucius
- Ollie
- Toby
- Sam
- Snickers
- Bean
- Argo
- Olympus
- Bandit
- Ricky
- Tao
- Kit
- Mercury
- Oscar
- Dante
- Percy
- Elliot
- Rex
- Marcel
- Sage
- Blueberry
- Wonton
- Kylo
- Pascal
- Wilbur
- Wally
- Ozzy
- Binx
- Wasabi
- Ivan
- Bowie
- Moscato
- Grayson
- Archer
- Titan
- Puck
- Draco
- Blitz
- Maverick
- Hobbes
- Chip
- Kenzo
- Fuji
- Shiro
- Cairo
- Taro
- Dobby
- Bruno
- Lenny
- Kisho
- Cash
- Rigatoni
- Gatsby
- Scout
- Neo
- Huck
- Atticus
- Banjo
- Radley
- Jinx
- Edison
- Inigo
- Tesla
- Watson
- Rory
- Hugo
- Osiris
- Salem
- Denali
- Phantom
- Donal
- Ajax
- Noodle
- Atlas
- Dax
- Loki
- Bonsai
- Gromit
- Diego
- Steel
- Jones
- Iggy
- Kashmir
- Nemo
100 Female Flame Point Siamese Cat Names
- Minnie
- Isis
- Madelaine
- Daffodil
- Bastet
- Marnie
- Pearl
- Nell
- Clementine
- Nova
- Ophelia
- Zelda
- Sapphire
- Endora
- Selkie
- Simone
- Delilah
- Elke
- Betty
- Opal
- Sushi
- Pippa
- Harriet
- Ruby
- Tiramisu
- Phoebe
- Camilla
- Queenie
- Fawn
- Freya
- Ginger
- Honey
- Cashew
- Quinn
- Lilac
- Robin
- Saffron
- Stella
- Birdie
- Imogen
- S’mores
- Iris
- Clover
- Calypso
- Koko
- Abby
- Cricket
- Tabitha
- Olive
- Indigo
- Yoko
- Bijou
- Tallulah
- Nutmeg
- Uma
- Amaretto
- Ivy
- Roo
- Leia
- Juniper
- Fig
- Karma
- Violet
- Victoria
- Wendy
- Luna
- Winnie
- Calliope
- Matilda
- Eve
- Whisper
- Katniss
- Xena
- Yara
- Dinah
- Willow
- Yum Yum
- Primrose
- Cleo
- Pandora
- Mariposa
- Gracie
- Lila
- Lilly
- Athena
- Eva
- Ava
- Zsa Zsa
- Maggie
- Peach
- Fleur
- Petal
- Ellie
- Sasha
- Lotus
- Gem
- Sassy
- Luana
- Agatha
- Hannah
Does The Flame Point Siamese Cat Actually Exist?
The Flame Point Siamese cat is the rarest Siamese cat coloration putting them in high demand. While these cats are hard for buyers to find, however, they do exist!
Are There Different Types Of Flame Point Siamese Cats?
Yes, there are four “original” Flame Point Siamese cat colors. These colors include –
Seal Point
The Seal Point Siamese has a cream body and dark brown color points. The Seal Point comes from crossbreeding the Siamese, Ragdoll, and Himalayan cats.
Blue Point
The Blue Point Siamese has a white body with grey-blue color points. The Blue Point comes from combining the Seal Point Siamese and a color modifier gene.
Chocolate Point
The Chocolate Point Siamese has an ivory body with dark brown color points. The Chocolate Point comes from the Seal Point Siamese.
Lilac Point
The Lilac Point Siamese has a light cream body with blue-grey color points. The Lilac Point comes from a combination of the Blue Point Siamese and a dilute modifier gene.
Other Color Point Variations
Other point color variations (inclusive of the less traditional colors) can get a little more complicated in their origin.
Red Point or Flame Point
The RedPoint or Flame Point Siamese has a cream or white body with orange/red colored points. The Flame Point is the result of crossing a Siamese cat with an orange or red tabby.
Subcategories of the Red Point or Flame Point family include the:
Cream Point Siamese
The Cream Point Siamese has a pale cream coat and cream points. The Cream Point Siamese is the result of crossing a Red Point Siamese, a Red Domestic Shorthair, and an Abyssinian cat.
Apricot Point Siamese
The Apricot Point Siamese has a pale cream body with apricot-colored points. The Apricot Point Siamese is the result of crossing a Cream Point Siamese with a color modifier gene.
Cinnamon Color Point Siamese
Cinnamon Color Point Siamese cats have an ivory body with cinnamon-brown points. These cats came about through more complex crossbreeding patterns.
Fawn is a subcategory of the Cinnamon Point Siamese.
Fawn Color Point Siamese
The Fawn Color Point has a beige coat with pale cinnamon points. The fawn coloration results from combining a Cinnamon Color Point and a dilute modifier gene.
Caramel Color Point Siamese
The Caramel Color Point Siamese cat has a light cream coat with brown/gray color points. The caramel color is a combination of the lilac or blue point Siamese with a dilute modifier gene.
Lynx (Tabby) Point Siamese
Tabby or Lynx Point Siamese cats have striped points and come in all the pointed coat color variations. Lynx Point Siamese cats are the result of an accidental breeding between a Seal Point Siamese and a Domestic Tabby cat.
Color variations of the Lynx Point Siamese include:
- Seal Lynx Point
- Chocolate Lynx Point
- Blue Lynx Point
- Lilac Lynx Point
- Red Lynx Point
- Cream Lynx Point
- Blue-Cream Lynx Point
- Lilac-Cream Lynx Point
Tortie (Tortoiseshell) Point Siamese
Tortie Point Siamese cats result from the crossing of any of the Siamese point colors except for red or cream and a British tortoiseshell shorthair.
The Tortie Point Siamese points have mottled markings, and these cats are almost always female.
Color variations of the Tortie Point Siamese include:
- Seal-Tortie Lynx Point
- Chocolate-Tortie Lynx Point
- Seal-Tortie Point
- Chocolate-Tortie Point
Are Flame Point Siamese Cats Rare?
The Flame Point Siamese is the rarest of the color point Siamese cats.
How Long Do Flame Point Siamese Cats Live?
The Flame Point Siamese can live anywhere from 15 to 20 years.
Where Do Flame Point Siamese Cats Come From?
Flame Point Siamese cats originate from the breeding of a Siamese cat with an orange or red tabby cat. Breeder Nora Archer first bred this pairing in the 1940s in Britain.
Do All Flame Point Siamese Cats Have Blue Eyes?
Flame Point Siamese cats always have blue eyes because they derive from the Siamese cat which always has blue eyes due to albino genes.
How To Tell If Your Cat is a Flame Point Siamese?
The only surefire way to know that your cat is a Flame Point Siamese is to purchase them from a reputable breeder who can provide proof of lineage.
A feline DNA test can also help to determine your cat’s lineage.
Additionally, you can rule out the possibility of your cat being a Flame Point Siamese if they do not have blue eyes or points.
Are Flame Point Siamese Cats Mean?
Flame Point Siamese cats are far from mean! These cats are social butterflies and regularly demand affection – sometimes being a little too needy!
Do Flame Point Siamese Bite?
Like any other cat, the Flame Point Siamese can bite, although they are not known for being aggressive. Most biting behavior is the result of an undersocialized, untrained cat or a young kitten trying to initiate play.
Is a Flame Point Siamese An Outdoor Cat?
Any cat can be an outdoor cat, but it is not preferable. Outdoor cats live significantly shorter lives as they are exposed to more disease-causing organisms and predators.
You should also consider the amount of money that you spent to purchase your Flame Point Siamese cat! Allowing them to roam free outdoors risks your investment and makes it increasingly likely that someone else will “adopt” your cat as their own!
Keep your Flame Point safe and happy as an indoor cat!
Are Flame Point Siamese Cats Deaf?
Blue eyes often mean deafness and/or blindness in white cats, but blue eyes in the Siamese, Himalayan, Balinese, Persian, Javanese, Birman, Ojos Azules, and Ragdoll breeds are an exception.
Most congenitally deaf white cats are deaf because the dominant “masking” gene that suppresses pigmentation also suppresses hearing.
The pointed coat pattern of the Flame Point Siamese cat is only a partial form of albinism and results from a mutation in tyrosinase which is not related to deafness. It is possible, however, for a Flame Point Siamese cat to be deaf by other means.
Final Thoughts
The Flame Point Siamese is an energetic and friendly companion that needs an owner who is happy to be in the spotlight. If you are looking for your own personal groupie and a well-behaved feline roommate, this is the cat for you.
If you are looking for an independent cat, spend long periods away from your pets, or if you do not have the money to spend, the Flame Point Siamese is not a good choice for you.

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